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A Guide to Preventing Ingrown Hairs and Razor Bumps

Do you frequently shave and notice razor bumps and ingrown hairs? Do you have that nagging thought of squeezing and plucking it, out of annoyance? Well, you are not alone. There are a lot of us who are curious and would like to know how to manage and prevent ingrown hairs and razor bumps from recurring.

Razor bumps and ingrown hairs are common to people who shave. Usually, they’re a result of improper shaving techniques. Grooming properly and knowing how to shave right can prevent bumps and rashes to form and ensure your skin is smooth every time.

If you get razor bumps or ingrown hairs, you can take several steps to soothe your skin and prevent these unwanted bumps and hairs.

What are Razor bumps?

Razor bumps are a skin irritation that’s associated with shaving. It’s itchy, painful, puss-filled bumps on the skin as the hair start to grow back. It is common to those with coarse or curly hair.

What is razor burn?

Razor burns occur right after you shave and develop once the hair starts growing back. It’s a result of dry shaving, using old razors, or shaving in the opposite direction of the hair.

What causes ingrown hairs?

Ingrown hairs and razor bumps are the same thing. It occurs as the hair starts to grow back after shaving. Instead of growing up and out of the skin’s surface, it curls inward, becomes trapped, and causes an ingrown hair to form.

How do you prevent razor burns and ingrown hairs?

The first step to treating ingrown hair and razor burns is to stop shaving. Yes, you have to stop and let the skin heal. Don’t squeeze or pluck the hair to prevent infection. Picking ingrown hair increases infection.

Adjust your shaving routine:

  • Have plenty of time so that you’re not rushed

  • Lather up with shaving cream before shaving

  • Shave in a warm shower or bath

  • Exfoliate before shaving

  • Shave in the same direction

  • Rinse the blade regularly between strokes

  • Rinse off the area completely after shaving

  • Don’t shave every day

  • Dispose of old razors. Switch to a new blade every 5 to 7 shaves

  • Keep your razor clean and dry

  • Moisturize your skin between shaves

There are shaving creams and aftercare products that contain chemicals that may irritate your sensitive skin. Before using a new product, always do a patch test to check for skin sensitivity.

Final Thoughts

With proper care, most cases of razor burn, ingrown hair and razor bump clear up in a few days. Start by giving your skin some time to breathe. Try going for a few days without shaving to give your skin time to heal.

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